Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones

What an exciting time we all live in!  What an incredible privilege to be here today and opportunity to participate in the co-creation of our world.  Also, what a responsibility.

You know, I have a Life mission:  To change my world.  The plan of action:  By letting my Higher Power change me.  

If I could change me I would have done it a l-o-n-g time ago.  I certainly tried over and over but failed.  It's when I learned how to use the tools of the program and practiced daily and diligently using them that I truly started to change.  And my world is changing, too.  

The willingness to be honest, keep an open mind and heart, acceptance of my proper function in Life, stay on purpose, becomes easier and simpler each day.  Practicing, using the simple principles of the program is today's highest goal.

Also, every time those old ways of being rear their ugly, brutal heads of selfish self-centered wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony is another wonderful opportunity to use the Steps which lead every time from the prison of Self to the freedom of Spirit.  Just like that.  The more I do the work, the stronger the spiritual muscles and the quicker I'm F-R-E-E.  

What used to be perceived as stumbling blocks to spiritual recovery are actually stepping stones because they lead exactly where I really want to be...on the higher road to the Higher Power.  

Dear Higher Power I choose to call "GOD", thank YOU for all the wonders of this world.  The majesty of the mountains, the exquisite beauty of a free bird in flight, and the joyful sounds of spring.  Thank YOU for the peace of YOUR love, the golden silence of this moment, and the sweet promise of YOUR Presence in Life.  I pray for knowledge of YOUR Will and the courage, strength, wisdom and the willingness to Accept and TO DO IT.  Love, Carol xoxox


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