Sunday, April 28, 2013

Learning---keep an open mind

Well, I met with my Alanon sponsor yesterday.  She said I use the Steps to "fix" everything.  My internal dialogue immediately started defensive chatter about how that's not true, I never do that, she's probably projecting her stuff on me, I better watch-out for myself, etc.  She said I really don't use my Steps.  My internal dialogue turned-up its volume.  While looking into her eyes, I went into "that place where that which is Greater than me is" and I went into prayer for assistance, "Dear Higher Power, show me the way.  As YOU Will."  The Shitty Committee shut-up.

I responded, "Maybe I haven't been describing, articulating to you in detail how I apply the Program.  I might need to describe in greater detail how I practice the Steps and Traditions."

She agreed.  So we talked, spent an hour together.  All went well.  My assignment this week is to stay on the first 3 Steps in preparation for the 4th Step and a couple of other things I wrote down so I won't forget.  I'm keeping an open mind about this process.

In the reading of literature adventures this morning I encountered some lovely nuggets of value, to store in my treasure chest of love:

As We Understood, p.152, "I held many things in my hands and lost them all, but whatever I placed in GOD's Hands, I still possess."

Courage to Change, p.118, "Anything and everything about me can be used for my good.  If I feel insecure or frightened today, I will remember that my fear is a signal that there is something for me to learn.  "It may not be the answer I want, but I have to remember that it may be what I need."-As We Understood""

Daily Reflections, p.127, "To acknowledge and respect the views, accomplishments and prerogatives of others and to accept being wrong shows me the way of humility.  To practice the principles of AA in all my affairs guides me to be responsible....To honor these precepts I need only to pray, and care for my fellow man as if each one were my brother."

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Creator, YOUR awesome power, grace, mercy and compassionate LOVE is amazing to behold.  Thank YOU for showing the way to YOU.  Thank YOU for all the blessings YOU shower on us all.  Please help me be of service to YOU and my spiritual sisters and brothers.  All to YOUR glory, Lord.  Love, Carol xoxox

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