Sometimes it seems the whole world is so wonky...lopsided...then I straighten my eyeglasses and can see it from a perspective of clarity, awareness and acceptance. Now it looks exactly as it should...hmmm.
Also, I read this morning that laughter is a tool which can be used to detach, give myself a break, a moment to relax and enjoy a moment in time and refresh. I remember reading a research study that reported people who smoke tend to be more productive at their jobs and the study revealed it was because they took breaks then returned to their tasks with a refreshed state of mind.

Dear Higher Power, today I feel deeply humbled by the vastness and incomprehensible majesty of YOUR awesome, beauteous, powerful healing love, protection, grace and shining, sparkling
truth. Thank YOU for the multiple blessings YOU bestow upon us all, the loved and the not-so-loved. Just for today. Thank YOU again and again. Love, Carol xoxox
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