Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Zombies...the Walking Dead

Well, I drove my car home last night.  Thank GOD for GOD, my son, Sho, my job and GOD.  Jeesh.  Couldn't have done it without them.  Now I have a way to my meetings, work, etc.

What a relief.  Last night I arrived home and went to sleep.  Felt exhausted.  As if I'd been in a huge battle. Wow.  The high levels of stress, anxiety, uncertainty had wound tighter and tighter.  That's when working the program becomes ever more necessary...

Today the word "miracle" appeared over and over again in this morning's readings.  It's ALL a miracle.  Wow.

A foggy morning at Port Lavaca
You know, in my arrogant self this-and-that delusional thinking, I notice one more time how off-track I can get. One thought leads to another until I'm right back where I used to the Director's chair. It still doesn't work any better now than what it did then.  Jeesh.

What is my truth?  Truth is I am a recovered alcoholic, recovered from a seemingly hopeless compulsive need to drink alcohol.  It's been removed. Poof.  Gone.  The compulsion is gone as long as I don't take that first drink.

Before I ever took a drink of alcohol, I was an untreated Alanon...a family member or friend of a present or absent alcoholic.  I've been affected by someone else's dis-ease.  Jeesh.

I hear over and over about people's fascination with zombies...the walking dead.  And remember the movie The Sixth Sense where the little boy says, "I see dead people."?  And Luke 9:60Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead...

I believe that is the spiritual malady in its full blown symptomology.  The walking dead.

Recovery is to be risen from the dead.  To embrace Life, Love, Happiness...plug-in to the Higher Power.  Wake up. Wake up.  Wake up.

To wake up I must be willing to go to any I truly willing?

"On awakening..." p.86, "Alcoholics Anonymous".

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU for the gift of Life YOU bestow on all of us who are here.  Thank YOU for all the blessings YOU bestow upon us, the loved and not-so-loved.  YOUR Will be done.  Love, Carol xoxox

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