Sunday, April 21, 2013

Extending the Peace Branch

My Internet connection was down yesterday so I wasn't able to blog.  Missed blogging.  :-(

 My ego insists I fail at blogging whenever I miss a day.  It's not "perfect" because everyday is not written.  Really?  No.  It's not about's about progress.

Today is anew beginning.   Anyway, I met with my Alanon sponsor yesterday and we both took turns reading from Paths to Recovery Step 3 and my assignment this week is to practice Steps 1, 2, 3 diligently.  I want to tell her I do this anyway...but no, I must be willing to follow direction.  So guess what I'll be doing this week?   One, two,, two,, two, three...

I read today...

Daily Reflections, "Fear blocks my appreciation of beauty, tolerance, forgiveness, service, and serenity."  Yep.  That two sided coin of reality for me is on one side---Love---the other side---fear.    The question for this moment is: Which side do I choose to focus on?

Day by Day, "What we see in others is only a reflection of what is within ourselves.  When we come to understand that living today means turning to the Source of Light then our reflection will be a beautiful one of kindness and love."  Wow.   That old "You spot it, you got it" shows up again!  There are no coincidences...truth is, I need to remember this.  Especially whenever I'm thinking or saying, "He's ___"  or "She's ___".   It's not really about them.  It's all about me and my need to judge, or criticize or put down so I can feel or think better about myself at the cost of someone else. Jeesh.

One Day at a Time, "two roadblocks...:  self-justification and self-righteousness.  The first gives a grim certainty that I'm always right; the second smothers me in the delusion that I'm better than other people---"holier than thou."  ...effective magic in helping us overcome the damage due to  self-justification and self-righteousness:  Examine your motives.  What answers would I give if I stop in the middle of such rationalizing and ask myself:  "Why am I doing this?  Is this justification really honest?  Are these rational reasons for my action?"

Courage to Change, "I will pray to let go of my own rigidity that I might see the beauty of unity in diversity."

Hope for Today, "Today I'll allow others to say what they think and allow myself to think about what they say.  "...I took another step toward maturity as I continue to recover from my illness of not listening." Forum Favorites, Vol.4, p.11  Wow.  I really l-o-v-e this description of the illness!  How many times am I busy thinking about what I'm going to say and completely ignore, neglect, discount what someone else is saying?  Not listening...the opposite is LISTENING with all of me...attentive

I didn't go to my nephew's wedding yesterday.  Totally forgot.  If I don't write it down, put it on my cellphone, etc.  I "forget".  I must call and arrange to make amends.  How can I set this right?  I don't know.  I'll ask them both and wait to hear the answer.  "Let it begin with me, in deed
...I must extend the peace branch...

Dear Lord GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU so much for the beauty of each unfolding moment of YOUR Creation and thank YOU for the opportunities YOU provide us all to participate in.  How majestic are YOUR works and divinely mysterious YOUR ways.  Please. Lord, keep shining the Love Light on this path to help see the way of service to do YOUR Will, as YOU Will.  Love, Carol xoxox

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