Saturday, April 6, 2013

Not my will...GOD's WILL

When I listen to Layla (yesterday's blog) I feel hopeful, invigorated, and inspired to stretch, grow.  The levels of potentiality are awesome in the program of recovery.

My son took me yesterday to a couple of dealerships to look at several cars.  I struggle with this process.  I don't like buying on credit, owing for something.  I want to buy it outright.  Jeesh.  My reality dictates what I can and cannot do, one more time.  I did call my sponsor last night and we talked about this.  Lord, I put this all in YOUR awesome, healing hands.  As YOU will.

Still everything depends on my Willingness to be Honest and keeping an Open mind.  That old HOW.

Dear Higher Power, As YOU Will.  Love, Carol

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