Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Acts of GOD, tragedy, and Hope

You may wonder why I bother to do these notes.  I'm actually quite selfish to be honest.  Whenever I need to, I can refer to these notes to help me get back on track.  They are no big deal, just simple collection of treasures I pick up along life's daily pathways.  I'm motivated to share them as a part of my service work in recovery and hope the notes help you as much as they do me.  I'm a quick forgetter so the ability to refer to the written format is very helpful.

The reading in Day by Day, "There are tragic experiences in our lives, even clean and sober,  There often seems to be no logical or compassionate answer.  The unexplained misery of the faithful sometimes seems so cruel that we wonder how GOD can do this to His children.  We do not know the answers.
     "We know that our problems are of our own making, but what about the acts of GOD?  It is said that our greatest burdens are our greatest gifts.  the most tragic experiences can help us really learn to be of service and at one with our Creator.  Can I accept tragedy?
     "I can't, GOD can, and He will if I let Him."

In Daily Reflections what stood out was, "The journey to find GOD and to do His Will one day at a time began with the first word of the first Step..."We".  There was power in numbers,...strength in numbers, in numbers, in numbers.  If I had tried to recover alone I probably would have died.  With GOD and another alcoholic (or Al-anon, etc.) I have a divine purpose in my life...I have become a channel for GOD's healing love."

In One Day at a Time in Al-anon, the main focus seemed to be the slogans as simple reminders to let go and r-e-l-a-x.  Keep it Simple.   "Here are those great tension-relievers:  Let Go and Let GOD---Easy Does It---Live and Let Live---First Things First."  Also a quote from Hoagy Carmichael, "Slow motion gets you there faster."

In Courage to Change, "Only when I risk taking a close look at myself can my fears give way to the truth:  As a child of GOD, I am all I need to be---loving, lovable, and splendid...Today I will take time to strengthen my relationship with my Higher Power.  This will bring me closer to seeing the truth as my ally and recognizing my own inner loveliness."  Quote from Louis L. Hay, "I now choose to rise above my personality problems to recognize the magnificence of my being.  I am totally willing to learn to love myself."

Hope for Today was d-e-e-p.  I highlighted most of the page! "Now I have choices throughout my day.  If I start feeling emptiness and shame, I know I've crossed back to that place of isolation.  When I'm ready to return to self-love, all I need to do is practice "Let It Begin With Me" by finding th fun and humor already present in my life.  Anticipating enjoyment is a good way to begin my day.  If I lose my place, I'll remember I can start my day over at any time."  A quote "From Survival to Recovery", p.185, "I haven't succeeded in changing my past, of course, but the present is filled with promise, and amazingly, I am discovering that it is fun to be me."

Dear GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU.  Love, Carol xoxox

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