Monday, May 20, 2013

The Tunnel Lighted with Lamps of Hope

I contemplated not reading the epilogue in Alanon's 12 & 12, I mean, what's the point?  I'd already read and studied the book, who cares what the last of the last page says?  Thank goodness I stayed disciplined and finished what I started or missed a beautiful story...

p.139, "I often think of a picture that came to my mind when I first read the Twelfth Step and tried to understand it.  I looked back on my troubled life, before Al-anon, when I felt as though I were groping around in a terrifying black cave.  There was no way out.  No matter how desperately I prayed and struggled, I was trapped.  There was no way out of the hopeless confusion of my life.
     "Suddenly someone, a stranger, took me by the hand and led me around a turn in the cave that opened up into a tunnel, dotted by a row of lights.  He led me as far as the first light and said, 'Just keep following the lights and you'll be alright.'  I didn't care where they led just as long as I could get out of the black despair I was living in.
     "As I walked from one light to the next, the path through the tunnel became more and more bright and my fears gradually faded.  Finally there came the brightest light of all---sunshine and freedom!
     "The lights were our Twelve Steps and our Twelve Traditions which kept showing me the way out of my confusion.  With them I felt wholly secure.
     "I knew there were many others like me who couldn't find their way to that tunnel lighted with lamps of hope.  Remembering my own pain, I tried to start many others to that ultimate sunshine we find in our beautiful program."

Lovely.  Glad I didn't miss this nugget.  Wow...

Dear Lord Creator Almighty GOD, thank YOU for the precious gems of YOUR Wisdom, Power, Glory, Love and Grace shining on us all.  Thank YOU for the many opportunities YOU provide us all to get and stay on the path to the way out of the dark caves of our minds.  Thank YOU for the beautiful stories that shine rays of hope.  Please Lord, help me be of service to YOU and my beautiful brothers and sisters of the Spirit.  As YOU Will.  Love, Carol xoxox

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