Friday, May 10, 2013

Detach...Turn it Over

"I quit drinking but I'm still crazy...what now?" or "They quit using but they still crazy."
Have you ever thought that?  Or thought everybody else is crazy?  The whole world is wonky?  Why stop there?  The Universe is wonky.

What now?

I can go a blink.  LOL  

The challenge is to s-t-o-p  i-t.

Stop what?

Stop acting, thinking, believing I'm running the show.  Like I'm the Director.  Like I know what's best for me and everybody else.  Like I'm the Master of the Universe or the Multi-verses.  The Judge, jury, executioner in one.  That is the spiritual illness in a nutshell.  E.G.O.  It edges GOD out.  Period.

The Serenity Prayer helps so much to change a skewed perception or perspective.

GOD (who?  My definition of GOD is The Creator, The Source, The One, All this-and-that, etc.)
grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change (ex:  I can't change the past, other people, etc.)
the courage to change the things I can (ex:  I can change my attitudes and behaviors, perspectives, etc.)
and the wisdom to know the difference (today's reading in Hope for Today, p.131, "GOD grants me the "wisdom to know the difference" each time I'm willing to change my perceptions.")

In One Day at a Time, p.131, "Detach from the problem...there are kinds of involvement that can only make our difficulties worse...Suspicion, searching, and prying will only keep us in a state of turmoil, and make the situation worse, instead of improving it.
     What we are meant to know will come to our knowledge without any action on our part.  This is a basic spiritual truth, implicit in our slogan, Let go and let GOD.  When action is really required, as when a crisis happens, we will then be better prepared to meet the emergency.
     "He that is in perfect peace suspects no one, but he that is discontented and disturbed is tossed about with various suspicions; he is neither quiet himself, nor does he allow others to be quiet.(Thomas A'Kempis)""

Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU for the peace, quiet, tranquility that surpasses all understanding.  Thank YOU for the beauty of this moment so freely given.  Thank YOU for loving us all, none is excluded.  I have no idea how YOU do this but I do trust and believe YOU love us all unequivocally.  YOU shine YOUR Love-light on us all.  Thank YOU.  Please guide me to do YOUR Will, to be of maximum service to YOU and my spiritual brothers and sisters.  Love, Carol xoxox  


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