- the recordings are on a small memory card inserted in cellphone
- the small memory card requires an USB adapter so the info can be transferred to the computer
- the adapter is key-chained to a small coin purse that is in my purse
- insert the USB adapter with installed SD card into computer port.
- open the wave editor program to create, edit, make tracks, label, etc.
- open CD burner program, define order of tracks, etc.
- burn CD and some copies, save project. Done.
About 7:45 am, I'd read from 3 meditation books when a text came from an Alanon friend who answered my text to her from the night before. She said she'd meet me for breakfast tacos and a cup of coffee at the Mexican restaurant close to the meeting place at 9 am. Kewl.
I gathered my clothes together, took a shower and washed my hair, got dressed, gathered the boombox, CDs, purse, keys, etc. then drove into town. Made it with 10 minutes to spare. Thank GOD. I kept turning it over and over. Kewl.
We each ordered and enjoyed a taco of scrambled eggs with nopalitos (cactus) on corn tortilla and a l-o-v-e-l-y cup of coffee. Mmmm. Then we sat on a white-painted wooden bench on the front porch of the restaurant and conversed. (It's the same restaurant where the man showed-up and I used the Ho'oponopono for the first time). Afterwards, we made it to the 10 am English Alanon meeting with a few moments to spare. It was awesome. The topic was from How Alanon Works, p.101, title "Keep coming back". Poignant, powerful, and beautiful. Kewl.
At 11, I went to the car, grabbed the boombox and CD's, made it to the Spanish Alanon meeting. There were 4 of us there this time. Four. Wow. For so long, it's just been me. A spasmodic interest by one or two then nothing. I was finally beginning to think, "Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I really need to stop. Maybe it's not GOD's Will but mine I'm trying to do." Then Ruben came along and he's been steadfast and true. Now there are 4. Wow. We listened to the Spanish preamble on the CD, so well read and spoken, then heard Salvador talk about 16 minutes. Powerful impact. He nails it EVERY TIME, not some of the time. Beautiful. Each of us disclosed how we qualified for Alanon and our feelings. At the end of the meeting we discussed the format, the primary purpose to help other families of friends of alcoholics, and opened it to suggestions. One of the participants is computer savvy and offered to help. She can do in a snap what takes me so long. LOL Another can bring 2 friends next week. Just when I was so close to giving up. Who knew? And remember those copies I made? I had enough to give everybody one. Awesome. Thank YOU, GOD.
At 12, to the Principles of Recovery meeting.
At 1:45, met with Alanon sponsor.
At 2:45, as I walked to my car I saw a young Hispanic male walking down the driveway away from the club. I watched as his manner of stride and posture changed. Like the Incredible Hulk, he changed from upright, purposeful walking. He began to slouch. He reached-up, pulled the bandanna down on his forehead barely over his eyes, and shuffled his walk like the steps of a gangsta depicted in the movies. Just like that. He appeared relaxed, comfortable, in sync with what he knows how to be, how to act in the world he knows. Fascinating. I thought about how would early century Romans wear their clothes and act? Or someone from the Roaring Twenties? Or Biblical times? Or War World II? Or Victorian England? Or the Renaissance? Of wearing a Zoot Suit with a dangling chain? Or golden watch fob tucked into a small vest pocket? Or corsets? Or hooped dresses? Or wearing braids down to the waist? Or bald skinheads? Living in a teepee? Living in adobe houses? With air-conditioning or without? In the tropics or ice lands? I could see where this Hispanic male in his world fitted-in with the rest. Kewl.
On and on went the day. It was a good day. I'm grateful.
Which leads me to...today is Mothers' Day. GOD bless us all.
Dear Lord GOD Almighty Creator of all that was-is-will be-and might be, thank YOU so much for the great privilege to be here participating in this moment granted by YOU. Please help guide and support me to be of service to YOU and all others of YOUR creation. Love, Carol xoxox

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