Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Agree to Disagree

I was talking with a friend who has struggled with accepting me and my "ways".  She's a GOD-fearing woman and she loves me.  I assured her that I loved her, too.  Just because I love someone doesn't mean I'm going to co-sign their stuff.  She looked quizzical, not quite understanding so I used an instance where she and I had a serious difference of opinion on an unfolding situation.  Neither one of us were "wrong" per se, it's just we had different perspectives.  This didn't make us "bad" people.  If I'd changed my difference of opinion just because of feeling uncomfortable, people-pleasing behavior then I would not have been true to my inner truth.   I would be co-signing hers at the cost of mine.

The  willingness to appreciate and honor her point of view while maintaining my right to have a different perspective is a symptom of healthy recovery, imo.  The right to agree to disagree.  Kewl.

A couple of readings from the literature stood out...AA's meditation book, Daily Reflections, May 15th:

"Know GOD;
Know peace.
No peace."

Alanon's "...As We Understood", p.178:

"Very early in the Al-Anon program, we are told to "Let Go and Let God."  This does not mean that we will do nothing.  It simply means that we will let God work through us to give expression to perfect ideas and constructive thoughts.  To know this and accept it as the truth enables us to be free and to be at peace in mind and body.  I've seen this work in my own group.  Where there is peace, there has to be love, and only when we "Let Go and Let God" can we feel this inner peace."

Dear Sweet Lord Almighty Creator of it all, thank YOU for the mah-ve-lous wonder of it all.  Thank YOU for the morning sun rise, birds singing as they busily feed their babies, Elvis snoring and the privilege to live Life as it reveals itself.  Thank YOU for the multiple opportunities YOU provide us all to draw closer to YOUR divine, unconditional, steady, pure Love so freely given.  YOU're a-w-e-s-o-m-e!  As we were made in YOUR image, we must surely be awesome, too.  All glory to YOU.  Lord, please help me stay close to YOUR love, guidance and support and to do YOUR Will to be of maximum support to my spiritual brothers and sisters.  As YOU Will.  Love, Carol` xoxox

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