I watched the news last night of the devastation caused by a huge tornado that ripped across Moore, Oklahoma So violent. So sad. Terrible. Sho said he wanted to go help but didn't want to leave me here. He said he didn't know what he could do because he has a hard time just keeping the yard up, as he looked out the screened front door. I told him I could relate. I suggested we pray for them because I do believe prayer helps.
Dear Sweet Lord GOD Almighty, Life is so brief and we don't just know when we have to leave this earthplane to return to YOU. Lord, while we are here, please guide and support us in doing YOUR Will. Lord, I put us all in YOUR Great, Awesome, Healing, Compassionate Hands. As YOU Will.
Please help me of optimum service to YOU and my brothers and sisters of the Spirit. Love, Carol xoxox
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