Friday, May 17, 2013

Unblock the Flow

Yesterday, no matter what I did, my computer would not work for me so I wasn't able to blog.  I ran ARO and left it alone.  This morning...Yeah!!!

This morning's readings were soooo powerful.  Truth is, every morning this is so.

Day by Day, May 17, "The toxins of fatigue and hunger...the poisons fermented by resentment and temper have been demonstrated by us.  Ironically, our outbursts often occur over non-essentials.  And that is a real killer for us.
     Our panic over misfortune, needless fears and emotional turmoils is merely a bad habit.  When we air our minds spiritually and let our Creator flow through, it is possible to achieve more comfortable habits of patience, tolerance, and love.  Have I stopped overreacting?"

Daily Reflections, p.146, "Forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others are just two currents in the same river, both hindered or cut-off completely by the dam of resentment.  Once that dam is lifted, both currents can flow."

Courage to Change, p.138, (referring to the slogan "one day at a time") "I can further compress the focus of this slogan to address one hour at a time, or even one minute at a time.  In such small increments life begins to feel not only bearable but precious.  At any given moment,  no matter what is going on, if I concentrate on being right here, right now, I know that I am fine."

Hope for Today, p.138, used the word "denial" eleven times!  To paraphrase...

  1. suggested topic for discussion was denial
  2. struck by a broader awareness of denial than previously imagined
  3. denial of the disease of alcoholism and its side effects
  4. denial of the pain inherent in betrayal, loss, disability, and death
  5. upbringing encouraged to engage in other subtle but perhaps equally devastating forms of denial
  6. used denial to block from feeling pain, but it also blocked from experiencing pleasure
  7. working program of recovery means letting go of denial by opening heart to daily sources of wonder and delight, also practicing gratitude for daily miracles, savor the beauty to be found in each day, no matter how fleeting and give thanks to Higher Power for allowing to witness it
  8. "Another form of denial is thinking I am the sum of my problems and limitations....have accepted the truth:  I am a spiritual being."
  9. denial replaced "by acceptance of an infinitely larger, more beautiful reality in which I rely on the strength and guidance of a Power greater than myself for protection and direction".
  10. "Today I let go of my denial, face the truth, and celebrate my recovery."
  11. "Denial is a symptom of the effects of alcoholism." a quote from Courage to Change, p.146
It goes on and on.  I feel so grateful for the privilege it is to be blessed with the knowledge that no matter what, there is a Power greater than us all who has it all covered, all we gotta do is our part.  Keep it simple, sweetheart.  Do the work.  Get out of the way.  Hands off and heart on. We are not alone.

Dear Lord GOD Almighty Creator, thank YOU for YOUR awesome gifts of Love, Compassion, Provision amd Guidance.  YOU are truly the Mostest.  Please help guide and support me in efforts to be of service.  Love, Carol xoxox

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