Thursday, May 2, 2013

Connecting with Others

Well, yesterday morning in a blissful, serene state of mind, I picked up the phone and called some program people who I haven't heard from for quite some time.  Just to check in and see how they are doing.  The effort to do this is kind of jarring because it's outside the usual, day-to-day activities.  I felt happy, interested and engaged in making the effort to connect.  I was able to talk with a few people, left voice messages for others.  It was l-o-v-e-l-y to hear their voices and to know they are here to participate in Life's amazing adventures to and fro.  LOL

I did talk with an AA sponsee who I hadn't heard from for quite some time.   She "officially fired" me yesterday and I grieved the disconnect.  My part in this was I didn't stay connected or ask her to call more often while we worked the Steps.  I was wrong to do that.  Most of the time it's okay to approach the Steps in Alanon in this way but not in AA.  Well, I put her in the Higher Power's Hands and pray for the very best for her.  She's a lovely person and deserves many blessings bestowed on her and her loved ones.

This experience is very humbling and requires I focus on relying on the Higher Power, first and foremost, no matter what.  Another thought which comes to mind is how I "fired" or let go of sponsors.  As if I knew what was best for me.  Now it's easier to see a broader perspective in how I, as a sponsee, have a responsibility to stay connected, verbalize to my sponsor any concerns I have going on in life, and to ask for help in how to apply the Steps/Traditions to actual unfolding life situations.

It's all good.

The wind is occasionally gusting a bit fiercely so I need to go outside and bring some of the plants indoors!

Dear Sweet Higher Power, YOU're awesome.  Thank YOU...Love, Carol xoxox

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