Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lost in Time

Today is my grandson's graduation from high school.  How exciting to have the privilege to participate in this event as a grandma.  As a parent, it felt very different.  The stress of time management, financial considerations, losing time at work, fit it in in all the other things that needed to get done.  My children had it hard.  May GOD shower them with blessings for surviving those challenging times.  I love them all and am deeply grateful for the honor and privilege of being their mom.  

One of the readings today reminded me of this TV show:

There was an old TV series, "Lost In Space" where a robot would spin-out as he said, "Danger, Will Robinson!  Danger!" while his accordion-shaped robotic arms flayed hysterically around.  I l-o-v-e-d watching it.  Mesmerized by the difference, lost in the story-line of other people and what's happening in their lives.

Hope for Today, p.158, "I learned how to diffuse criticism by replying, "You may be right," and using the slogan, "Think" to help me act rather than react."..."When something upsetting happens, old memories of previous hurts often come back to haunt me.  This makes it difficult to stay in the present and I start living simultaneously in the past and in the future.  The outcomes of the past get projected onto present and future situations.  I become trapped in hopelessness and find it difficult to make healthy decisions.
     "When I get lost in time, I ask what I need right then to care for myself.  If I do something physical---such as make an Alanon phone call, write in my journal, exercise, or work on a project---I detach from myself.  The past and future go back where they belong, and I come back, much calmer, to the present."

Lost in time.  That is a danger for me.  Where is GOD?  In the here and now.  "Be still...and know that I am GOD." I must stay in the here and now.  The Present.  What a gift.

Dear GOD Creator...thank YOU.  Love, Carol xoxox

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