Friday, June 7, 2013

What's the price of Life? Pay attention.

I had a beautiful little Chihuahua named One-ita (pronounced Juanita).   She was so fine and lovely, each hair on her exquisitely place and I used to admire her so much.  I told her GOD had placed each hair on her just right.  Her little body would shake with a soulful sigh as she unabashedly soaked up all that love and admiration, her big brown eyes saying how much she loved me.  I would tell her, "Oneita, you speak with your eyes.  I know you do."  Then she'd bat her eyelashes, squint even more.

I've written about her before.  Today I miss her. I grieve her passing away.  I feel the pain as the tears well up in my eyes.  This, too, shall pass.  Once in a while I think about her.  Sometimes Elvis reminds me of her when I feel I'm being watched and discover its his eyes looking at me as if I am his movie star, the light of his life.  He's so cute.  And he talks to me with his eyes.  Dogs are incredible and very communicative, if only I'd pay attention.  So it is in life.  If only I pay attention...

It's not that I'm a slow learner.  It's that I'm a fast more time.

Dear Higher Power, help me pay attention and to be of service.  As YOU Will.  Love, Carol

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