In the 12 Steps I've learned, "When in doubt...pause."
Last night at the shelter, the tension, anxiety, was very high. It seemed like waves of negativity permeated the atmosphere. I started feeling angry, frustrated, a bit overwhelmed. Finally, I pushed away from the desk, placed both feet on the ground instead of crossing one over the other, and rested my hands on the armrests. I r-e-l-a-x-e-d. Closed my eyes. And started talking to my Higher Power. In a quiet voice I said, "You know, I just don't know what to do. I need YOU to help me. Please show me the way, help me..." and I just sat there, quiet, until the feelings subsided. Went back to work. About 5 minutes later, a co-worker called and informed me about things I needed to know. She is also a minister of faith and I experienced her as if a breath of fresh air blew through...lovely.
"The spiritual life is not a theory.", indeed.

"The spiritual life is not a theory.", indeed.
"...either God is everything or else He is nothing."
"The spiritual life is not a theory.", indeed.
Dear GOD Almighty Creator, YOU are. Thank YOU for the gifts YOU bestow on us to live Life, love Love and enjoy Happiness. YOU the One! Love, Carol xoxox
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