24 to 26 women. How lovely to see their faces and listen to their melodic voices as we went around the circle introducing ourselves. I felt envious, jealous that in the 1st meeting of this group it was so well attended. Jeesh. How long has it been to get the Spanish meeting going??? But, the silver lining is that Paula was there. She is bilingual and has for YEARS struggled on the regional level to help encourage Spanish meetings. She says the biggest barriers are the Hispanic Al-Anons seem to only want to know if there is a fiesta or an AA involved, otherwise, forget it. Hmmm....
After the meeting I was invited to have dinner with one of the women so we met at the Mexican restaurant. She is very smart, educated, and hurt. Al-Anonism doesn't play. It's lethal. It kills the joy, freedom, play in our lives if we stay in the disease. It can not only kill the life of our Life, it can also kill us if we let it. As we dined and talked she kept thanking me for sharing my smiles, my happiness. Can you imagine? She, a child of GOD, an heiress and thanking me for smiles? LOL Silly woman. I can relate. I'm pretty silly myself. LOL
Day by Day, "It is wise when we first come into the program to learn to keep our mouths shut and eyes and ears open."
Daily Reflections, p.186, "'It truly does 'get better' one day at a time...a gift that grows with time."
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, p.178, "The spiritual awakening is we are not alone and helpless...learn certain truths which we now carry to others in order to help them...surrendered my will to GOD's will. It will throw new light on many things....will give me the ability to make my judgments and decisions on the spiritual level...governed by GOD's goodness and wisdom."
"We are asleep; we walk in darkness until we find GOD's Hand to lead us into His way---the way of spiritual enlightenment."
Courage to Change, p.178, "Forgiveness can be just a change of attitude...realized my bitterness hurt me more than anyone else...search for another way to view my situation...pay attention to the message. I chose to tolerate a great deal of unacceptable behavior because I was unwilling to admit that I needed help...refuse to carry the burden of bitterness anymore. Instead, I am grateful for what I learned." A quote from Mary McLeod Bethune, "Forgiving is not forgetting, it's letting go of the hurt."

Came to Believe, p.230, "'...try not to see difficult days as filled with problems, but days to live and grow. When I do, it's a lot easier for me to realize that this is life and I'm doing lot of living.'...what keeps us coming back is the serenity we gain when we learn how to make our lives manageable....able to make plans, work toward goals, and live our lives purposely...were so caught up in our fears and negative emotions...no desire to return to the past with its pain, anger and frustration...We who have lived in anguish so long have discovered a way to live in serenity, one day at a time, and our greatest joy is to share this way of life with others."
Dear Lord GOD Almighty Creator, YOUR abundant Love, Compassion and Wisdom are blessings YOU BESTOW ON US ALL. Lord, thank YOU so much for YOUR gifts. As YOU Will. Love, Carol xoxox
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