Wednesday, June 5, 2013

So many Gifts of the Spirit

Today is my son's birthday.  He's been a true gift in my life.  What parent likes to hear the truth about themselves from the perspective of their child?  He's helped me see a lot of truth, albeit, unwillingly cause it hurt to see the truth at times but he's loved me through-out it all.  This is not to say he didn't hate and couldn't stand the sight of me on many occasions.  Jeesh.  To think I was all that as a parent would be truly delusional on my part.  I will say I am truly grateful my children even speak and profess their love to me. That they are willing to hang-out with me is a tribute to the 12 Steps program because if nothing else,  I've learned to keep my hands off and MMOB (Mind My Own Business).  They have a Higher Power and I'm not it.  LOL

Before blogging, I read the literature gathered for today.  This morning's readings took me, swept me to heights of love, compassion, understanding far surpassing the best thinking of this limited human mind.  It takes what it takes.  The gratitude for the awesomeness of the Higher Power, the Power Greater than myself I choose to call "GOD", flows so deeply.  You know, the depth of these feelings "put the quiver to my liver", move me.  How do I describe it?  Like the first love that takes your breath away just by finding excuses to say his name or knowing he walked into the room, like the feeling of a roller coaster whirling in its rush of power, like taking a leap on a bungee cord plunging with uninhibited control, like the the warmth of a gentle kiss from the sun on a cold winter day, like the rain soothing the earth and the wilted flowers rejuvenate, alive.  On and on.  Just from reading the literature.  Such a wellspring of hope, love and sweet promise.  Wow.  I felt tears come, the gratitude so beautiful and nourishing.  I can't "earn" this nor do I need to work for it.  There's nothing I need to do except receive it, a gift freely given by my Creator.  I simply need receive it, accept it.  Thank YOU, GOD.

Day by Day, "In the 4th Step we aren't asked to generalize or simplify the nature of our wrongs.  We are asked to individualize every situation."  Jeesh.  There goes that idea...LOL

As We Understood, p.208, "Praying "forgive my sins" is vague and nothing changes, but when I recognize the power of naming a defect and asking for its removal or of naming a quality and asking for its enhancement, then---and only then---does change take place...
     "My self-knowledge is never complete without interaction with GOD and another human being.  When I eliminate GOD and others, I narrow my focus to self.  When I focus on GOD, however, I find that He does the cleaning...
     "...when I start to look at the space within which you live, at the light in your life, for the first time, I recognize your uniqueness and intricacy...
     "...what the 11th Step has come to mean to me:  watching the light and asking for the ability to see what is already planned, so that I will respond to the power instead of working against it."  Oh, my gosh, how cool is that?

Courage to Change, p.157, "When I open my heart to a Power that fills me with love and acceptance, I can begin to extend those qualities to others.  I may not do it perfectly or even consistently, but I can recognize my progress one day at a time."

Hope for Today, p.157, "Each new day I turn myself over to GOD's care because I know what He does is well done."  "I need only turn myself over one minute, one hour, one day at a time." "I began turning my life over five minutes at a time and watching GOD closely to see what happened."---a quote-From Survival to Recovery, p.34

One Day at a Time in Alanon, p.157, "Prayers for courage and guidance never go unanswered.  But I must be ready to act on that guidance."

Daily Reflections, p.166, "All that Step 6 asks of me is to become willing to name my defects, claim them as my own, and be willing to discard the ones I can, just for today.  As I grow in the program, many of my defects become more objectionable to me than previously and, therefore,  need to repeat Step 6 so that I become happier with myself and maintain my serenity."

Dear Sweet Great Spirit GOD Creator of it ALL, how magnificent YOUR bountiful gifts YOU bestow on us all.   Thank YOU for the abundance of Life, Love, and Light that YOU shine on my loved and not-so-loveables.  YOU're the Most Hightest, Greatest and Lovingest.  Thank YOU again and again.  I'm deeply grateful for this moment.  For this breath I have the privilege of breathing.  For this moment in time and space YOU've given me.  Dear Lord, I ask only for knowledge of YOUR Will and the courage, strength, wisdom and the Willingness to ACCEPT and To Do It.  All to YOUR glory.
As YOU Will.  Love, Carol xoxox

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