Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wasting Time, Doing Time or Using Time to Live

I don't even know where to begin...Sho told me last night I'm wasting time with blogging.  He says I'm busy doing this when I can be busy doing other things that need to get done.  He may be right.  I'm slow and it does take time to put what I want to share into words communicating, passing it on to others and my Future-self that may need to read it.  I hand this over to my Higher Power.

Courage to Change, p.171, had one of the Agreements "Don't Take Things Personally" if "...troubled by another person's behavior, complicated situation, or a disappointing turn of events...I'm not a victim of everything that happens unless I choose to see myself that way...can take a different view...accept them at face value without taking them personally, I may find that they are not a problem at all, only things that have not gone as I would have liked....change of attitude can help free me to evaluate the situation realistically and move forward constructively.
     "Blaming my discomfort on outside events can be a way to avoid facing the real cause--my own attitudes.  I can see myself as a victim, or I can accept what is happening in my life and take responsibility for my response...when I listen to the guidance of my Higher Power I will no longer be the victim of my circumstances. ---a quote from Henry Ward Beecher, 'God asks no man whether he will accept life.  That is not the choice.  You must take it.  The only choice is how.'"

Hope for Today, p.171, "The longer I reflected on becoming willing, the brighter the light of understanding grew.  I realized that my family had lived in the black-and-white world of alcoholism...
     "When I can see the the cause of my wounds, the deep healing of recovery can begin.---quote from Paths to Recovery, p.84, "Step Eight reminds us that only we can unlock the door of our past and walk away."

Daily Reflections, p.179, "My feelings set me free, where my thoughts had held me in bondage."

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, p.171, "As I understand the difficult task of facing myself and my faults, I will guard against self-justification and self-righteousness.  I am well aware how easy it is for me to make excuses for myself, and to blame my misfortunes on others, and particularly on the alcoholic."

Dear GOD Creator of it all, please guide me through this day to be of maximum service to YOU and my brothers and sisters.  Use me, Lord, as YOU Will.  All to YOUR glory.  Love, Carol xoxox

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